Category Archives: Massage Blogs

What is the Most Popular Type of Massage?

The most popular type of massage may vary depending on where you live and what you are using massage therapy for. The one type of massage that every massage therapist learns, and the one that most often comes to mind, is the traditional Swedish, or western, massage. It consists of long, gliding strokes and kneading of muscles. Swedish massage is the standard for a relaxing massage.

Sport massage and medical massage, also sometimes referred to as rehabilitative massage, are also popular for focusing on a specific injury. Sports massage includes pre-event massage, a type of technique used in warming up prior to participation in a game, race or athletic competition.

Lymph drainage massage is a common type of medical massage used to reduce fluid buildup. It is often used after mastectomies to reduce fluid buildup in the chest and arm area, as well as for those who have other types of fluid retention because of various medical conditions.

Eastern modalities, which use acupressure points, such as Shiatsu and Thai massage are gaining in popularity and, in some locations, may be more trendy than Swedish.

What Is a Sports Massage?

Sports massage is different from other types of massage in that it is generally used in either pre- or post-athletic exercises, competitions or other physical activity. It is also used to rehabilitate after a sports injury.

Other types of massage might be: medical massage (used for recovery after surgery, maintenance of good health and reduction of pain); relaxation massage (such as Swedish) or various Eastern modalities which use acupressure points (such as Shiatsu or Thai massage).

  • Pre-event sports massage is generally vigorous and used on the legs and arms to warm up and activate muscle activity. It helps to bring extra blood flow into the muscles and, by doing so, more oxygen.
  • Post-event massage is more gentle and calming, consisting of long effleurage strokes, as well as the kneading petrissage strokes. This helps to de-stress the muscles and push out any toxic buildup in the body.

Massage used to rehabilitate the body after injury will vary depending on the injury itself, where it is and how severe. This type of massage is often recommended by both sports physicians and physical therapists.

Massage therapy has many benefits

Ancient Western and Eastern civilizations dating back as far as 3000 years discovered that massage and touch therapy have many health benefits. From being rendered a disreputable form of indulgence, massage is now seen as a holistic method of healing, which is practiced all over the world today. Benefits range from relieving migraines and stress relief to improving circulation and having the ability to rehabilitate physical functions.

Tense muscles can cause the body to lose its natural balance. This can lead to pain as other muscles in the body tense to try to compensate for those which are causing the initial pain. It soon becomes a chain reaction, which causes the problem to spread, often quite far from the initial problem area. Experienced massage therapists will be able to locate the source of the problem and thus begin the healing process. This in turn may be able to assist a person with eliminating a dependence on pain medication.

Massage therapy assists with releasing endorphins into the body, which can help with pain relief. It is able to lessen depression and anxiety while improving the condition of the skin, which is the largest organ of the body. Those suffering from lower back pain are able to experience relief as well as a greater range of motion after a massage treatment.

Massage has also been shown to assist with other conditions such as blood pressure control, immune system boosting, infant growth and sports-related injuries. Research has also shown that massage can be beneficial to autistic children, who seemed to display less erratic behavior after a massage session. Office workers who make use of massage therapy tend to be more alert and display less stress than those who don’t. Patients who have undergone any form of abdominal surgery tend to heal quicker when making use of massage therapy. It also decreases itching, anxiety, pain, depression and tension in patients suffering from burns.

Premature babies also benefit from massage therapy, as research has shown that infants who receive massage therapy grow and develop faster than those who don’t. Those suffering from cancer were also reported to be less anxious after receiving massage therapy. It also increases lymph flow and stimulates weak muscles. It is also able to reduce cramps and swelling in the body.

It is important that massage therapy be done by qualified therapists. It is also not recommended for people who suffer from open wounds, fractures, severe osteoporosis or blood clots. Pregnant women should also exercise caution with regards to massage therapy.

Massage Outperforms Meds For Low Back Pain Study finds

Is it conceivable that massage can provide more effective relief from low back pain than medication? A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicinesuggests this therapy might indeed alleviate back pain better in the short term than traditional interventions of medicine, bed rest or exercise: Healthday reports.

The investigation conducted by the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle involved 400 patients who had low back pain, the majority of which were middle aged, Caucasian and female. Researchers found those who were given a series of relaxation massage or structural massage were better able to work and be active than those who were given traditional medical care, such as pain pills, muscle relaxants or physical therapy.

According to The New York Times, the study’s participants were randomly divided into three groups: structural massage, relaxation massage and traditional care. Patients in the massage groups received one hour of therapy weekly for 10 weeks.

At the conclusion of the 10 week period, over one-third of the patients who were given massage therapy reported their pain was much improved or eliminated completely, as opposed to only one in 25 patients who were given traditional care. Furthermore, patients in the massage groups were twice as likely to have spent fewer days in bed rest, used less pain pills and participated in more activity than the traditional care group.

Lead author Daniel Cherkin was surprised by the fact that structural massage did not prove superior to relaxation massage in relieving pain. Structural massage involves manipulating specific back pain related muscles and ligaments, while relaxation massage, otherwise known as Swedish massage, involves inducing body-wide relaxation.

The beneficial effects of the massage seemed not only to be experienced during the 10-week therapy period, but also to linger for a time following the cessation of therapy. Evidence of this lingering effect was manifested by the fact that the massage groups continued to display improved function six months after the study’s onset. At the one year mark, however, no significant differences were found in the three groups.

Although the researchers were uncertain of massage therapy’s exact mechanism of action for easing back pain, they voiced several theories. One suggestion was that it either stimulated tissue locally or produced a general central nervous system response. Another speculation was that merely spending time in a relaxing environment and feeling cared for might have been responsible for the improvement. An additional factor to consider is the subjectivity that is impossible to eliminate in such studies. Patients in the control group were aware that the other groups were receiving massage and this knowledge may have caused them to discount their own progress.

It should be reiterated that the study suggests rather than proves the benefit of massage for back pain. Also, some members of the American medical community not associated with the research have expressed reluctance to accept the suggested benefits as being valid.

Conversely, the study’s authors offered their assessments of its import. Cherkin characterizes the results as being “pretty strong.” He states the massage was tested on patients who did not improve using the standard medical approach to back pain treatment. He feels that massage therapy is a reasonable thing to try for anyone getting insufficient relief from this malady. The coauthor, Dr. Richard Deyo, feels that massage appears to provide clinicians with another choice for managing the challenging medical problem of chronic low back pain.

Massage heals the tissues of the body

Brush aside any thoughts that massage is only a luxury splurge that has no real health benefits. To the contrary, hands-on healing helps you unwind, lowers blood pressure, promotes muscle relaxation and boosts your immune system. During a massage session, massage therapists use their hands and fingers to press and manipulate your skin, tendons, ligaments and muscles. The strokes gently move your blood, oxygen and lymph to various tissues and organs in a way that normally doesn’t happen in the bodies of most people. As a result, the person who is receiving the massage experiences a level of physical and mental renewal that is hard to surpass.

Hidden Health Benefits of Human Touch

Today, numerous well respected studies indicate that massage therapy doesn’t only feel good, it also may be good for you. Take a look at the health benefits below and discover the power of human touch:

  • Stress & anxiety relief
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Blood pressure control
  • Better circulation
  • Pain reduction
  • Enhanced cancer treatment
  • Improved quality of sleep

But there’s more – a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine suggests that individuals who undergo massage therapy experience measurable improvements in their immune response.

Mark Rapaport, M.D., and his colleagues from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center followed 53 healthy adults who were divided into two groups: The participants received either 45 minutes of Swedish massage or the same amount of time of light touch massage, which is much milder and served mainly as a comparison to the more vigorous Swedish massage. After examining their blood samples, the scientists found that people in the Swedish massage group experienced a decrease in cortisol and a significant increase in lymphocytes, cells that keep our immune system strong.

More research is ahead of us but it appears that a single massage may deliver a measurable benefit,” Rapaport said in a news release.

Massage is far more potent therapy than most people realize. In fact, it can (and should) replace analgesics as a treatment for tension headaches. As it turns out, it takes only a 30-minute massage on cervical trigger points to boost autonomic nervous system regulation and alleviate the symptoms. Patients also report an improvement in their psychological and physiological state, which goes hand in hand with the reduction in stress and anxiety associated with such a disturbing condition.

Stress and lack of rest have devastating effects on our health, fitness and beauty. Don’t be afraid to find yourself a good massage therapist and get some healing on a regular basis. When you’re taking care of your skin and what’s beneath it, you are taking care of your whole world.

How Long Does a Massage Last?

The type of massage most people think of is the traditional western, or Swedish, massage.  The massage session will usually last about 45 minutes, which is considered one clinical hour. But Swedish massage is not the only type of massage; depending on which type is being used, a massage session can last anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours.

For example a chair massage or a massage for a sports injury or pre-game warm-up may last just 15 minutes, while a session using a polarity or cranial-sacral technique may last up to two hours. Many Eastern style massage techniques, such as Shiatsu or Thai massage, will usually be between 45 and 90 minutes.

Most massage therapists will provide you with a price list of their services, including the techniques used and the time allotted.

Please call us and find out about all of our massage services.

Discover the Therapeutic Benefits of Massage

The health and wellness benefits that massage offers are more abundant than once thought. Emerging research points to a growing list of advantages that range far wider than simple anxiety, tension, and pain relief.

One of the most interesting benefits uncovered is a possible link to improved immunity. Studies have shown that those who receive regular massage have lower cortisol levels in their saliva. Cortisol is the “stress” hormone, and it is linked to a lower immune function.

Cortisol actually kills off the cells that are necessary for healthy immunity. Lowering this hormone in the body not only can lead to greater immune response to foreign invaders, but it also leads to lower stress and anxiety levels. Lowering cortisol levels has also been linked to a greater ease in losing weight and keeping it at a healthy level.

The mental health benefits from lowered stress levels and regulated anxiety are probably worth it alone. However, there are even more advantages your body reaps from getting massaged regularly.

Studies have indicated that regular massage helps with hypertension. Massage helps reduce anxiety, which contributes to high blood pressure. This is probably a part of the reason that it helps to regulate blood pressure.

However, there is also another factor that contributes to this function. The vagus nerve actually helps regulate a person’s blood pressure, and massage helps to stimulate this nerve into action.

The more obvious benefits of massage are its excellent ability to temporarily reduce and manage pain. It can be used to relieve muscle pain, pain associated with nerve damage, and even joint pain. The manipulation of the soft tissues helps increase circulation, which may aid in healing as well.

Enhanced circulation also leads to better skin tone and healthier soft tissue. This enhanced circulation and manual pressure also helps to deliver oxygen and vital nutrients to the cells.

Massage is even believed to help enhance the elimination of toxic substances which are transported out of the body by the lymphatic system. This lymphatic drainage, while beneficial, needs to be helped along by you. Hence, it is always recommended that one drink plenty of purified water after a massage, to push the toxins through the elimination process quicker.

Overall, massage is a great way to reduce stress, unwind, and enjoy some “you” time. It’s important to remind yourself of the other benefits that massage offers if you start to feel a little guilty about it. Massage can be an excellent complement to an otherwise healthy lifestyle and diet.